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Every Mite FODMAP 240g

 A super delicious, healthy super spread! EveryMite is made with Certified Organic Black Sesame Seeds, Certified Organic Coconut Amino Sauce, Himalayan Rock Salt, and Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the “Mother”.

With no yeast or additives, this organic raw blend provides naturally occurring minerals, vitamins, amino acids, protein and fibre while the beneficial enzymes for friendly gut bacteria improve vitamin and mineral absorption. 

Contains Essential Minerals such as copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium; Healthy Essential Mineral Salts; 17 different important naturally Amino Acids; Vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin C; Protein; Dietary fibre; Beneficial Enzymes for friendly gut bacteria; and Acetic acid; which then helps your body absorb the important minerals from the foods you eat!

INGREDIENTS: Black Sesame Seeds*, Coconut Amino Sauce* (Fermented Coconut Nectar, Birds Eye Chilli**, Garlic**, Onion**, Sun dried Mineral Rich Sea Salt), Himalayan Rock Salt*. *Organic

**Chilli, garlic and onion are raw and fermented and are less than .5% of the final product.


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